Non linear world

As I grow up, (pre-2000 years) one of the frustration was non availability of source of information or specific order in which I could find information.

e.g. When I was in school – books, teachers or news papers (or magazine) were only source of learning for me. It was always available in specific order or period. I could read grade 7 books only after passing grade 6 or find books that explain limited portion of any topics etc.

But that changed with google or for that matter with Internet. Anyone can now be able to read any content – in any order. This has optimized world for quick learners. It has freed up people would like to learn anything. Of course organizing information or good quality content search was new problem.

So now limiting information/knowledge to specific educational institute may be just middle-class mentality or security thinking.

Published by ramraopatil

CS (Pune University), MBA (IIFT Delhi)

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