
During last class of Organization behavior, we studies motivation factor. There are 3-4 good studies – namely Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs Alderfer’s ERG Thoery Motivation-Hygiene Theory McClelland’s Theory of needs There was one theory I could easily co-relate was “syndrome of setup to fail”. There is HBR article on what are exact situations in whichContinue reading “Motivation”

Love for linear equations is back!

Years ago – in class 6-7 when I learned linear equations, there was little practical use I could relate to. And it all came back in class of operational research (MBA – IIFT – trisem 3) – a subject that uses linear programming extensively to design business problem – using 25+ variables (factors such asContinue reading “Love for linear equations is back!”


This trisem started with lectures from Dr. Ram Singh – IIFT professor for Trade, Logistics and Operations. His method of teaching is simple – use google to show information hands-on, show various forms, forums, discuss live problems. In short span of 3 lectures, we learns what is IEC (importer exporter code), RCMC  – two basicContinue reading “Trade”