
During last class of Organization behavior, we studies motivation factor. There are 3-4 good studies – namely

  1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
  2. Alderfer’s ERG Thoery
  3. Motivation-Hygiene Theory
  4. McClelland’s Theory of needs

There was one theory I could easily co-relate was “syndrome of setup to fail”. There is HBR article on what are exact situations in which boss setups a employee to fail by setting up wrong expectations, by making assumptions, losing confidence etc.

Apart of that, towards end of class, we did a survey (Hackman and Oldham)  of rating individuals on their own motivation factor from job. There was question set of 25 – each divided into following factors.

  1. Skill Variety (SV)
  2. Task Identity (TI)
  3. Task Significance (TS)
  4.  Autonomy (AU)
  5. Feedback (FB)

This study further uses a formula to calculate individual’s Job motivation factor. Secrete formula is

( SV + TI + TS )

Total =   ———————    * AU * FS


Note: How autonomy and feedback pay a multiplier effect in individual motivation and how largely any organization ignores it. But it is really possible for any Org to function with genuine feedback? Let try!

Published by ramraopatil

CS (Pune University), MBA (IIFT Delhi)

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